
Stocks screener

A screener to help you with your fundamental anlysis!

What is Stocks screener?Introducing a powerful tool for our star investors

Stock screener is a tool that investors use to refine their search for stocks according to specific criteria. It helps users to filter and sort through a vast amount of stocks listed on exchanges, based on metrics such as market capitalization, price, volume, industry sector, dividend yield, price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, and various other fundamental indicators.

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Market Cap


Stock Name
Stock Rating
Market Cap
P/E Ratio
Net Profit
Items 10 of 0
Pages 1 of 0

*Note: The stocks on the list are based on data of the NSE index as of the previous market day.

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Stock of the Month

How to use our screener?Follow these steps

  1. Define your criteria: Decide the qualitative and quantitative fundamental metrics for your analysis, such as P/E, Dividend Yield, EPS, etc.
  2. Set filters: Input your desired criteria by selecting your choice of filter
  3. Narrow down results: Review the results and consider refining your filters further if the list is too broad or narrow for your preferences.
  4. Evaluate results: Once you have a list of stocks, conduct in-depth fundamental analysis on these stocks.

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Stock of the Month


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Frequently asked questions

A stocks screener is a tool that helps investors filter and sort stocks based on specific criteria such as price, market capitalization, volume, P/E ratio, and more.

To use a stocks screener, you simply select your preferred filters like sector, price range, or performance indicators, and the screener will show a list of stocks that match your criteria.

Our stocks screener allows you to filter by various factors including sector, price, market cap, volume, P/E ratio, 52-week high/low, dividend yield, and more.

Yes, our stocks screener provides real-time stock data to help you make timely and informed decisions.

Yes, our stocks screener is user-friendly and suitable for both beginners and experienced investors. We provide customizable filters to match your investment strategy.

Yes, you can save your preferred filters in the stocks screener so that you can quickly access them in the future.

Currently, our stocks screener focuses on [region-specific] markets. However, we are constantly working on expanding our coverage to include global markets.

A stock screener helps you find stocks based on specific criteria, while a stock chart provides visual data on a stock’s price performance over time.

Our basic stocks screener is free to use, but we offer premium features for advanced filtering and real-time alerts for a subscription fee.

The data in our stocks screener is updated in real time, ensuring you have the most accurate and timely information.

Our stocks screener allows you to compare multiple stocks side-by-side based on your selected criteria.

You can easily identify top gainers or losers by using the performance filters in the stocks screener, which sort stocks by their percentage change in value.