How Can Potential High Return Stocks
Help You Achieve Your Goals

It is crucial to invest in stocks that meet your risk profile, investment horizon and investment goals. This unique strategy enables you to invest in stocks shortlisted after rigorous fundamental analysis as well as having the potential to achieve your goals and create wealth.


Build A Portfolio Of Potential High Return Stocks

With 5 in 5 Wealth Creation Strategy, you can build a well-diversified portfolio of high return stocks that helps you achieve your goals.

Tell Us About Yourself
Answer a few questions that will help us determine your risk appetite, time horizon, and financial goals. Based on the answers, our team plus 300+ algorithms shall curate a well-diversified portfolio of 20-25 potential high return stocks.
hassle-free journey
We curate a portfolio for you based on the fundamental analysis of stocks consisting of stringent qualitative & quantitative parameters. Along with the share market investment ideas, you’ll also be provided with research reports, buying range, upside potential, etc. You can track these details via a smart dashboard or Equentis - Research & Ranking mobile app.
experience results
Our research team periodically monitor the recommended stocks and guide you with portfolio rebalancing. With the combination of two potent wealth creation secrets, i.e. the power of compounding and our unique investment methodology, you will be able to multiply your wealth in the long run.

Benefits of 5 in 5 Wealth Creation Strategy

Personalized Portfolio

Personalized Portfolio of 20-25 high return stocks that suits your goals.

Return Potential

Strong past track record to help you create wealth.

Detailed Research Reports

Detailed Research Reports along with portfolio allocation, buying range and upside potential.

Quarterly Result Updates

Quarterly Result Updates & portfolio rebalancing, wherever required.

Alerts Via Email / Push Notifications

Alerts Via Email / Push Notifications for news / events for every recommended stocks.


Dedicated Support via live chat, phone and emails from your dashboard.


Portfolio Tracker to track the health of your

Education & Empowerment

By sharing regular information on investing practices and market developments.

Afraid to Lose Money In the Stock Market.
Build Your Potential High Return Portfolio Instead.

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Invest in a personalized portfolio of stocks for your goals

Invest in a personalized portfolio of long term high return stocks for your goals.


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₹ 28,000

The amount payable is ₹ 14,000 + GST every 6 months.

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  • yes-feature-lastSimple to understand
  • yes-feature-lastKeeping you always a step ahead

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Bank Name : Bank of Baroda

Type : CURRENT ACCOUNT | Branch : M.J. MARKET, MUMBAI | Bank Name : Bank of Baroda | Account No. : 06950200000577

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how do we identify Potential High Return stocks?

Our wealth creation strategy is market-cap and sector agnostic. The portfolio is carefully constructed after screening through a vast investment universe of over 5,000 listed stocks which would typically cover all known and unknown companies. Our stock selection criteria for wealth creation heavily focuses on businesses that exhibit the following:

High Growth Rate Business

Businesses that are in sectors that can grow higher than India’s Real GDP growth
rate with a fair degree of consolidation.


strong moat

Businesses with a strong moat that do not face the risk of losing business share
to substitute or alternate products.


minimal regulatory policy

Businesses that have a minimal regulatory policy related risk.


strong competitive edge

Businesses that have strong and sustainable competitive edge derived out of Market
Leadership / Customer Relationships / JV Partnerships / Cost Leadership / First Mover
Advantage / Brand Pull etc.


no large capital for growth

Businesses that do not require recurring & large capital requirements i.e. both working
capital and fixed capital to fund growth.


ability to scale up

Businesses that are run by the management of exceptional calibre with the ability to
scale up successfully & generate free cash flows with a strong focus on balance sheet management.


frequently asked questions

Why should I subscribe to 5 in 5 Wealth Creation Strategy?

Our singular focus right from inception has been “Wealth Creation” through best long term stocks. The platform executes over 300 algorithms to analyse risk tolerance, selection of the stocks, diversification of the portfolio as well as portfolio allocation of each stock. Based on these, we create a personalized portfolio of 20-25 fundamentally sound stocks for you. The model also keeps a 24x7 track of the investor’s portfolio companies throughout the year and offers portfolio rebalancing recommendations as required.

Will every stock in your portfolio generate high returns?

As all the stocks in our portfolio are chosen after in-depth research, we strongly believe that they can deliver high returns in the long term. However, due to uncertainty in the equity markets, we can be honest in admitting that there may be exceptions at times.

Do you also cover penny stocks in your recommended portfolio?

Our analysis proves that these penny stocks do not have adequate history, enough management transparency or enough liquidity to conduct a fundamental analysis of stocks. In other words, even if they may grow in the future, the risks attached to such penny stocks are very high and do not allow us to make a meaningful study on these businesses

Does your 5 in 5 Wealth Creation Strategy assure yearly gains as well?

Once the portfolio is created, we track portfolio growth on a quarterly basis and portfolio rebalancing is recommended if required to make sure that yearly growth is captured along with the long term growth in the business while making a share market investment.

What is the minimum amount that I need to start investing with Equentis - Research & Ranking ?

If you are planning for a lump sum investment, then you may start with as small as ₹ 2 - 3 lacs. Alternatively, you may start with a SIP in the Research & Ranking recommended personalized portfolio. We recommend our online personalized portfolio service if your investible surplus is up to ₹ 25 lacs. If you have an investible surplus greater than or equal to ₹ 25 lacs, we recommend you to call us to know more about our solutions for Ultra HNI clients.

How frequently do you churn your portfolio?

Portfolio rebalancing is primarily done when we see that the business/earnings growth has lost momentum. So, as soon as we feel that the fundamentals of any stock from our recommended portfolio have deteriorated, we ask you to EXIT from that stock and then we replace the exited stock with a better opportunity.

Is it the right time to enter the market?

We believe that the ‘time’ you stay invested for works in favour of wealth creation rather than ‘timing the markets.’ To avoid timing the market, we recommend buying stocks in a systematic/staggered way in our recommended portfolio. Also, we believe that if the company fundamentals are moving in the right direction, the stock price has a higher probability of moving higher irrespective of when you enter the market.

Why should I buy ₹ 500 or ₹ 5,000 stock and not the stocks which are trading at a much lower levels say 20-30-40 ₹?

There’s a very popular adage which says, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Similarly, "Don't judge a stock by its share price". Investors often make the mistake of looking only at the stock price, because it is often the most visibly quoted number in the financial press. However, the actual price of a stock does not give you a complete picture. Hence, other factors should be considered. It is only the certainty and the quality of earnings growth profile which will determine the upside potential of a stock, irrespective of the levels at which it is currently trading.

A ₹ 300 scrip may swell and have the potential of being a ₹ 5000 scrip whereas a ₹ 50 scrip may slide to trade to ₹ 5.

To conclude: Irrespective of the current market price, the fair value of a stock is a function of its earnings growth potential and valuation multiple; thereby determining the corresponding upside/downside.

Hence, the stock price should have no bearing in guiding your stock-picking skills. The ability to understand business and their potential and what would be a fair valuation multiple, amongst many other qualitative factors would all imply the upside potential.

What are high return stocks?

High return stocks are those stocks that give a high return on capital employed (ROCE). ROCE is a financial metric that measures a company's efficiency in utilizing its capital to generate profits. A higher ROCE means a company is more efficient in generating profits using its invested capital.

The 5-in-5 Wealth Creation Strategy focuses on selecting only those potential highly return stocks that stand a good chance of appreciating in the long term. We recommend that investors understand their risk appetite and allocate funds accordingly before investing.

How Does Fundamental Research Help to Find high return Stocks?

Fundamental stock analysis is done by evaluating financial data such as revenue, profits, balance sheets, and cash flow to look for companies with solid fundamentals and competitive advantages.

Fundamental research is essential in finding high return stocks to buy. We analyze the financial statements, study the company’s growth prospects and historical earnings, scan for current and future industry trends, and assess management decisions to determine a stock’s potential to generate high returns over 5-6 years. 

Fundamental analysis of stocks helps investors to make better and more informed decisions about the stocks they pick. With our 5-in-5 Wealth Creation Strategy, you get access to 20-25 high return stocks with detailed reports on each.

Our research team carefully evaluates each company’s financials, management quality, industry outlook, and other vital indicators to recommend only stocks with a high probability of becoming high return. As a result, you can create significant returns over a medium to long-term horizon if you invest in the recommended stocks based on thorough research.

How to pick high return stocks for 2023?

To select the high return for 2023, you should consider their long-term growth prospects and current fundamentals to ensure they have what it takes to become high return. Companies with high-growth rates can be potential high return. However, these companies must also fulfill other criteria, such as increasing PE ratios, to be considered high return.

Here are some must-haves for a high return stock.

  1. A substantial competitive advantage.
  2. Companies with low market cap.
  3. Rapid sales growth and a high current or future profitability.
  4. Little or no debt.
  5. Growing ROE (return on equity)
  6. Rising free cash flow.
  7. Relatively high promoter holding.

How to select high return stocks

  1. Choose Capital-efficient businesses: Identify companies that can generate consistently higher returns on their shareholders' equity. The more profitable the company becomes, the more value it will create for you.
  2. Choose companies with Low or No debts: Look for companies with minimal debt. Picking a debt-free company is even better. Searching for businesses that consistently reduce their external loans and borrowings would be best. It means the business is using its capital efficiently
  3. Money-maker with low CAPEX: Select companies that have been in business for a few years and have already built their plants and machinery for future growth. Such companies then are poised to reap the benefits of their efforts, which will help your investments grow.

Our 5-in-5 wealth creation strategy helps investors identify the best high return stocks for 2023. So, don't wait around; start creating wealth today!

I have 2lacs to invest in the stock market. Will R&R suggest which stocks to Buy/Sell and correct my current portfolio?

Our 5-in-5 Wealth Creation Strategy suggests buying and selling the best stocks based on your risk profile and appetite. We also advise when to enter or exit a stock market and help you maximize the potential of your investment. Our strategy allows investors with a minimum budget of Rs. 2 lacs can benefit from it. So, whether yours is 2lacs or more, we've got you covered.

The 5-in-5 wealth creation strategy is based on recommendations for 20-25 stocks that have the potential to grow in 5 to 6 years. We will provide you with all the necessary information for making investment decisions, like stock analysis and buy/sell signals. However, we only suggest changes to your current portfolio if it aligns with our recommended stocks.

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