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Investing in Mutual Funds Under A Minor’s Name: Pros and Cons To Know

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Investing in Mutual Funds Under A Minor’s Name: Pros and Cons To Know

Are you considering investing in Mutual Funds for your minor’s future? It’s indeed possible, with parents or legal guardians guiding the process. But what are the implications?

This blog delves into the advantages and disadvantages of investing in Mutual Funds in a minor’s name, shedding light on whether this strategy aligns with your long-term financial goals.

While investing in Mutual Funds in a minor’s name can offer a disciplined approach toward securing their future, weighing the potential pitfalls is crucial. From tax implications to the child’s ownership rights upon reaching maturity, this blog navigates through the intricacies of this investment avenue, helping you make informed decisions for your child’s financial well-being.

Things You Need to Know Before Investing

Investing in mutual funds for a minor’s future is a wise decision that requires careful consideration and planning. It’s essential to approach this proper knowledge and strategy to ensure success. Some things to remember are:

Things to ConsiderBefore Investing for a Minor
DocumentationValid proof of child’s age and relationship with parent/guardian (e.g., birth certificate or passport)
Long-term PerspectiveView investing with a long-term perspective to benefit from compounding
Risk AssessmentChoose funds aligned with risk tolerance and diversify to reduce risks
Monitoring and ReviewRegularly review fund performance and adjust investment strategy as needed

Investing in Mutual Funds for a Minor

Investing in a mutual fund under a minor’s name requires a KYC-compliant guardian, either a parent or a court-appointed legal guardian. If you’re the parent, you must provide proof of your relationship, while legal guardians must furnish a court-issued appointment letter.

As for the minor, the following documents are necessary:

  • Proof of the minor’s age (such as a government-issued document or a school certificate).
  • The source bank account for the investment must be in the minor’s name or jointly held with a guardian.

Advantages of Investing in Mutual Funds in a Minor’s Name

Investing in mutual funds in a minor’s name offers several benefits:

  • Purposeful Investment: Allocating funds specifically for a minor, such as their education, ensures a focused investment strategy.
  • Financial Motivation: Investing in a child’s name can motivate parents to prioritize and achieve financial goals for their child’s future.
  • Emotional Investment: Building a corpus for a child’s future creates an emotional attachment, reducing the temptation to withdraw the funds prematurely.
  • Financial Awareness: Having an investment account in their name can raise a child’s awareness of financial responsibilities and instill early savings habits.
  • Tax Efficiency: Long-term mutual fund investments are taxed based on the parent’s or guardian’s tax bracket while the child is a minor, potentially resulting in lower tax obligations.
  • Minimal Tax Liability: Once the child turns 18 and has no other income source, their tax liability on capital gains is typically minimal or non-existent compared to that of parents in higher tax brackets.
  • Wealth Accumulation: Investing early allows for the power of compounding to grow investments substantially over time, providing a solid financial base for the child’s future.
  • Financial Education: Introducing minors to mutual funds nurtures their wealth and teaches essential financial skills, setting them up for a lifetime of financial literacy.

Disadvantages of Investing in Mutual Funds for a Minor’s Name

Investing in mutual funds under a minor’s name comes with several drawbacks:

  • Transfer of Ownership: Once the minor reaches the age of maturity, control of the investments is automatically transferred to them. This can pose challenges if the minor isn’t financially savvy or mature enough to handle the responsibility.
  • Operational Hurdles: When the minor attains maturity, the account is frozen until the necessary paperwork is completed to transfer ownership. This process can be cumbersome and temporarily restrict investment activities.
  • Lack of Joint Holding: Unlike other investment options, mutual funds for minors typically don’t allow joint holding with parents or guardians. This limits flexibility and control over the account.
  • Limited Control and Flexibility: Until the minor reaches adulthood, decisions regarding withdrawals and changes in investment strategies require parental consent. This lack of autonomy can be frustrating, especially in emergencies or changing financial situations.
  • Risk of Mismanagement: Handing over control of the investment to a young adult who may lack financial literacy can lead to poor decision-making and potential losses. Without proper guidance, there’s a risk of mismanaging the funds.


Investing in mutual funds in a minor’s name in India offers several benefits, including long-term growth potential, financial education, and tax benefits. However, it also comes with certain drawbacks, such as limited control, legal complexities, and the risk of mismanagement. Before making such investments, it is essential to carefully consider these factors and consult with a financial advisor to ensure they align with the minor’s financial goals and circumstances.


  1. Can minors invest in mutual funds in India?

    Yes, minors can invest in mutual funds in India through a guardian or parent. The investment will be made in the minor's name, with the guardian or parent overseeing the investment until the minor reaches adulthood.

  2. What are the tax implications of investing in mutual funds in a minor's name?

     Investments made in a minor's name are eligible for tax benefits under Section 10(32) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. However, any income earned from the investment will be clubbed with the income of the guardian or parent for tax purposes.

  3. How can I manage the investment responsibly for the minor's benefit?

    It is essential to appoint a trustworthy guardian or trustee to oversee the investment on behalf of the minor. Additionally, regular monitoring and review of the investment performance can help ensure it is managed responsibly and in the minor's best interests.

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I’m Archana R. Chettiar, an experienced content creator with
an affinity for writing on personal finance and other financial content. I
love to write on equity investing, retirement, managing money, and more.

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