how to save money from salary

How to Save Money from Salary in India: The Ultimate Guide

Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.” These wise words from Warren Buffett should be your mantra if you want to have sufficient savings every month from your salary. We all know of someone who always complains about insufficient money despite earning a decent income. Often, this is due to inefficient money management and a lack of emphasis on saving. 

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best investment plan for 5 years

Best Investment Plans For 5 Years – How to Invest Wisely?

Picture this – You started earning and set aside a percentage of your income to gift yourself the dream car finally. Two years go by, then five, and the amount falls short every time. Reason? Inflation-induced price rise. Setting aside the money every month accumulates money, but it doesn’t help grow it. Investing enables you to put your money to work and grow your wealth effectively. 

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rahul gandhi portfolio

Rahul Gandhi’s Portfolio: Inside Rahul Gandhi’s Investment Philosophy

Owing to India’s economic progress, the stock market has consistently shown signs of growth. Many star investors have strategically capitalized on this uptrend. They have earned sizeable gains from their portfolios by decoding market psychology. As an investor, dissecting such successful portfolios will help you get insight into the application and outcome of different strategies. This article studies one such portfolio- Rahul Gandhi’s portfolio. 

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