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$140.5 Tn By 2025: Understand SRI And Make Your Investments Count

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Market Size Of $140.5 Tn By 2025: Understand SRI And Make Your Investments Count

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is an investment strategy that combines investors’ financial goals with their concerns about social and environmental issues. It involves investing in companies that promote ethical and socially conscious themes, including environmental sustainability, social justice, and corporate ethics. SRI strategies actively avoid investments that conflict with an investor’s ethical beliefs and instead focus on companies with positive social impacts.

SRI is also known as sustainable, responsible, or impact investing. It’s a practice that has grown in popularity as investors seek to make a difference with their investment dollars rather than earn a return. SRI investments can be made in individual companies with good social value or through a socially conscious mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF).

The approach includes eschewing investments in companies that produce or sell addictive substances or activities (like alcohol, gambling, and tobacco) to seek out companies engaged in social justice, environmental sustainability, and alternative energy/clean technology efforts. The idea is that investors don’t have to sacrifice performance or returns to invest according to their values; studies have shown that SRI can offer competitive returns while also contributing positively to society.

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Financial Performance and SRI in India

The financial viability of SRI in India is underscored by the growing awareness and integration of ESG factors into investment decisions. A study of individual investors in India indicates a low level of SRI awareness but a significant willingness to invest in SRI avenues. This suggests a latent potential for SRI strategies to flourish once awareness and education efforts are ramped up. Even with low awareness, the sector is predicted to grow to $140.5 trillion by 2025. With awareness, the sector might grow multi-fold.

Examples of SRI Success in India

Real-world examples of successful SRI strategies in India abound:

  • Renewable Energy Projects: India is really pushing forward with renewable energy like solar and wind power. This is great for the planet and has also been a smart choice for investors. Here’s how:
  • If you had put ₹1,00,000 into a fund called CPSE ETF, which invests in the energy sector, just one year ago, your money would have more than doubled to ₹2,03,710. That’s a whopping 103.71% increase!
  • If you had invested the same amount three years ago, it would have multiplied almost four times to ₹3,84,420. That’s an impressive 380% growth!

To put this in perspective, let’s compare it with the Nifty 50, which is like a scorecard for the Indian stock market:

  • If you had chosen a fund that tracks the Nifty 50, like the ICICI Prudential Nifty 50 Index Direct Plan-Growth, your ₹1,00,000 would have grown to ₹1,27,650 in one year. That’s a 27.65% return.
  • Over three years, it would have become ₹1,59,178, a 59.17% return.

So, investing in renewable energy helps the environment and gives you better returns than some of the more traditional investment options. It’s like doing good for the world and your wallet simultaneously!

  • Community Development: SRI strategies are investment methods that focus on supporting projects that benefit society, like building affordable homes and improving rural areas. These investments aim to solve social problems and also make money.

Recently, these types of investments have become more popular. 

  • If you had invested ₹1 lakh in the Edelweiss MSCI India Domestic & World Healthcare 45 Index Fund Direct-Growth six months ago, a fund that supports community projects, your investment would have increased by 9.36%. This means your ₹1 lakh would have grown to ₹1,09,366.
  • If the same amount had been invested in this fund a year ago, it would have performed better than the Nifty 50 index, with a growth of 36.5%. Simply put, investing in this fund a year ago would have given you a higher return than other common investment options.
6 Months Ago1 Year Ago3 Years Ago
ICICI Prudential Nifty 50 Index Direct Plan-GrowthRs 1,14,470Rs 1,27,650Rs 1,59,178
CPSE ETF156000203710Rs 3,84,420
Edelweiss MSCI India Domestic & World Healthcare 45 Index Fund Direct-Growth109366136500Rs 1,43,601

SRI Growth and Challenges

The growth of SRI funds in India reflects a broader acceptance of ethical investment principles. However, challenges remain, particularly regarding impact measurement and the need for consistent and transparent reporting. The development of standardized reporting frameworks is essential to the credibility and assessment of SRI performance in India.

Also Read: Exploring Socially Responsible Investment


As the Indian market matures, integrating SRI strategies into mainstream investment practices will likely become more pronounced. With a growing awareness and willingness to invest in socially responsible avenues and the government’s support, SRI in India is poised for significant growth. The impact measurement and reporting challenges present opportunities for innovation, ensuring that SRI remains a viable and impactful investment strategy in India’s vibrant economy.


  1. What is Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)?

    SRI is an investment strategy that aims to generate financial returns while prioritizing social and environmental good. It involves investing in companies that adhere to ethical practices and contribute positively to society.

  2. How does SRI differ from traditional investments?

    Unlike traditional investments, SRI focuses on companies that positively impact the world, such as those involved in environmental sustainability, social justice, and corporate ethics. It avoids companies that produce or sell addictive substances or engage in activities that are harmful to society.

  3. Can SRI be financially rewarding?

    Yes, SRI can offer competitive returns. For instance, investing in renewable energy projects in India has yielded high returns, outperforming traditional market indices like the Nifty 50.

  4. What are some examples of SRI in India?

    Examples include investments in renewable energy sectors, such as solar and wind power, which have grown significantly. Funds like the CPSE ETF have yielded investors high returns over the past few years.

  5. What is the predicted market size for SRI by 2025?

    The SRI sector is predicted to grow to $140.5 trillion by 2025, indicating a substantial increase in ethical investment practices.

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I’m Archana R. Chettiar, an experienced content creator with
an affinity for writing on personal finance and other financial content. I
love to write on equity investing, retirement, managing money, and more.

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